Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Times Are Changing

My is baby off to school for the first time in this photo (prep). After being at home for 23 years with children, and 7 of those years I home schooled. I am home on my own. At first I was quite lost with no little ones around, you know I would clean a room and when I came back to it, it was still clean!!

I am finding that I am starting to enjoy this different season in my life. That is how I look at life there are many seasons in it. The time for little ones at home all day with me are over, they are all at school now and enjoying school. You never know being a grandmother sounds alright then I would have little ones around some of the time.
Me ... I am finding I can do so much more these days of the things I enjoy. At first I was lost and lonely and almost a bit guilty at having all this free time to my-self. I've now moved on from guilt and am enjoying my quiet days at home. All the hours I spend in the garden and sewing are wonderful. I am again making clothes for my-self, something I haven't done since the 4 girls were little. Yes, I was one of those Mothers that made all there dresses matching, they were so cute.........Don't think though that I spend the whole day doing what I want. With 5 children still at home there's plenty of washing and housework to be done daily, but there is also more free time.

Yesterday I spent the morning at craft and after lunch in the garden pruning the last of the roses. Every-thing is all starting to come out in buds and there was even enough flowers to pick this small vase for the table. As I wondered around the garden it was then I realized how much I am enjoying my life. I had one of those days where I new that I was right where I was meant to be. I looked around and felt so much happiness and peace.
I hope that no matter what season of life you are in that you embrace it, I know that we often have a bad season but remember it will come to an end, life keeps changing and we should embrace each day as a gift.



  1. Hi Mandy....this is your Time now so Enjoy it Dear!!!!

  2. My baby has just started school too. He would have waited until next year in Melbourne, but in Adelaide they start the term after they turn five. My little boy's name is Will too!


  3. I never considered that children started school at different times in the year, even though I had done that myself, some time in the middle of the year.

    Mandy did your boy start school around the time of your post?

    My youngest of five is in Grade 1 so it has been 1 year and 9 months for me.
