Thursday, June 16, 2011


When I read this post that is what I was doing


My little fruit trees are bearing a wonderful crop, the first one.

They have been in 3 years now and were 2 year old grafts when Greg and I planted them.

We have grapefruit, lemons, mandarins, oranges and lemonades. I have lost a citrus tree to all the rain, this is the sad little tree at the front.

I am going to replace it with an other mandarin tree as that is the children's favorite.

I also have tomatoes coming up everywhere, which is a real bonus. Lots of tomato soup will be on the menu I think.

I have managed to get a lot of pruning done around the yard the last week, despite the cold wind and rain. Still a lot to do yet though, I love the winter pruning. The garden has a bare beauty to it and also I get to see what is under all the shrubs.
Of course there is the planning of what to get to fill in those gaps that are left behind..

Driving around the farm on the week end I found this lonely sunflower, it reminded me of my favorite T.V show when I was a kid..Remember The Flower Pot Men... Mr Weeeeeeeed, Bill and Ben flower pot men.. Now that,s in my head I will probably being singing it to myself all day.
Hmmm maybe I could make some flowerpot men for the vege garden????

I am going in late to work today as I need to catch up on some washing and house work. Work is going well, even though it has taken me 18months to get the office in some kind of order. It is really hard when working there and trying to catch up on years of paper work..But come the 1st July every thing will be running smoothly....

But for now I had better get that washing on the line.

Blessings to all

and a special hello to Deb and my other friends and fellow bloggers in New Zealand



  1. Ha ha, loved the flower pot men. Bobop little weeeed! There is more action in your garden than mine - must get to in the coming weeks - lots of roses to prune back and oh, the weeds!

  2. You do such a great job and should be pro.d of yourself,

  3. I'm convinced you live in Paradise. Course I realize you work hard in your Paradise, but it truly is lovely. Can't imagine having access to all those fresh fruits and vegetables. Wonderful!!

    All this from your Louisiana friend.

  4. I am a huge fan of the flowerpot men and Andy Pandy.
