Monday, February 22, 2010

A full week-end...

Today I am home, after 2 weeks of full time work there is much to do. It is lunch time and I have found Williams bedroom floor and desk that where hidden under books and Lego.. It is nice to slow down and focus on the house as the hours tick by and each room is cleaned I find my self relaxing a little bit more..
We had a full and busy week end. Saturday morning we went to the Darling Downs Zoo. What an adventure for William and Robbie. We saw snakes, baboons lions and they had just got the two cutest white Lions in. Because it was a birthday party and we had to leave by 2 we only got around once, but we will be going back again. That after noon I got to catch up with my niece Katie that I don't see that often. The boys all played cricket in the back yard and had a great time, there was also a few of the neighbors there so it was a lovely day/evening.
Sunday was church.......I enjoy church and haven't been for two weeks so it was wonderful. After church I had my dear sweet Deborah's 50th Birthday. Below is Deb with her daughter and the cake she made her mum...Deb is in the last stages of cancer and wasn't even meant to be here for her birthday. Deb is a fighter though and she is home and taking one day at a time. I have only known this beautiful friend a short time, and through her illness she reached out to me after I lost Greg. With out her I don't think I would have got through. It was a bitter sweet day all Debs Toowoomba friends friends got to meet her life long friends from down south which was a real blessing for as all...

How was your week-end?
Thank you for those asking about Alanah, she is doing well and loving life in Canada. She is busy with 2 little girls to look after and has funny stories to tell about the difference in speech. I wake up to an email from her each morning which I look forward to. No she hasn't started a blog yet, I'll let you know when she does....
Well I had better get back to the house work.
Blessings to all

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandy,
    Much love and strength being sent to help you cope with your friend Deborah's illness. Nice to hear you are managing to relax a bit. When you have finished going through your rooms how about coming over here and going through mine. I have lost the inclination to do absolutely anything at the moment.
    big hugs Deb.
