Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year Ramblings........

Hello and Welcome

I hope you had a blessed Christmas and New Year...

Christmas 2021
was time for the family to have Christmas here at home...
For 12 months I panicked, cried and gave up any hope of us all being together..

Me & My Girls Cassie,Jess, Alanah,Chloe.

But we were...

I am thankful that my God is bigger than my fears and all that is going on in the world and all were able to come home...

My Boys..William,David, Robertson.

Memories were made, so many hugs and kisses...

Watching and just being with my children and grandchildren was the best present I could have wished for. 

Grand daughters

I know so many were not able to be with their families and my heart went out to them.

What will 2022 bring..
I don't think I can even begin to guess because who thought we would be a fearful nation the way we are now. 

For us  we will continue the life we have been blessed with.


Planting food, working our farm, cooking our meals from scratch.

To some this may seem boring, but over the last 2 years I have seen people struggle to make ends meet with the rising costs of living, which is only continuing to rise.
we are thankful we are able to go out and pick fresh strawberries, a salad, milk the goats and make cheese as this is what we have worked towards.

Enjoying family and friends..

But now family has returned home safely, soon every one will be back to work and a new year has begun to unfold....

I know I can't change the world or even my kids lives and beliefs but I know one thing for sure....
I have a faith that has seen me through some dark times, a faith that has seen me through the happiest of times a faith I am thank full to have and cherish..

 So in this new year I will keep my faith, Bruce and I will continue to work as a team sustaining the life we have worked so hard to have.....If lock downs come again we are ready.....if they don't well we are ready for that too ( the caravan is packed and ready lol )

May 2022 be a better healthier blessed year for everyone...