Monday, January 16, 2012

A Family Week end....

How is this cool Monday morning finding you..
That is cool as in weather wise, after the heat of last week it is a cool 20 degrees.....Bliss.

 What a great week end we had, first of all one of my sister in laws made a surprise visit up from Melbourne. Needless to say the week end has been a family over load. hahaha

Cousins catching up in the pool.
Brothers catching up over the barby.

Then there is kids on skate boards.....I have attended to a few busted knees this week end...

Thought I had better show  you Jayne, she will probably kill me for this photo though.

So that is my week end.....

O and I am at work doing my blog as I still do not have the inter net going at home grrrrrrr..

I hope you all had a great week end.


  1. Hope your internet is up and running at home soon! I am very envious of your lovely warm temperatures.Its freezing here, been minus 4 today.

  2. How fun that all looks!! I love summer. So far the winter has been very mild where we are (Louisiana), and I'm thankful, but will be glad when it's summer again...My grown son is very excited because he and a friend are planning a vacation to somewhere (?) in Australia at the end of February.
