Saturday, November 29, 2008
I love the school holidays........
Yes I know I've said that before, but I do!!!!!!!!!!
No more up and at more school lunches and early teas because there is school the next day....noooooooooo
Instead, lazy mornings of gardening and sitting on veranda drinking coffee, barbies for tea late..
Summer lazy holidays.........
Now don't get the wrong idea
that I lead a charmed life, because there will also be
yelling, threatening, yelling, tantrums (from the children as well) yelling and to finish of more yelling. Yes we all get a bit ratty at times, but that is life living in a Family.
Children fight, mum yells, children make HUGE mess mum yells a bit more but do you know what? I love school holidays........
I feel sad when I her women say how they dread or hate the school holidays,
I have to wonder are these women selfish or may be they forget what it was like to be a child and have fun.
I say relax go with the flow enjoy your children these holidays.
May-be not as bad as some ones week though.
(If you haven't drop by daisymountain and say hello and send a blessing her way)
Here are photos of my two youngest getting there awards, isn't prep son above just so darn cute and small, O.K O.K I cried when my baby walked on stage, nearly forgot to take the photo.
Grade 5 son got the sportsman award. Sums him right up he loves his sports and is one of those boys that is good at any sports. He's like his big brother, would rather be kicking a ball than behind a desk. They get that from there Mother.
I have been tagged by Linda and Nicole. Thank you for this and next week I will
get to them. I would like to say hello to new readers, thank you for your comments
that you leave. I am enjoying going to your blogs and getting to know you...
O my! I just have to tell you this.....
See those Innocent looking boys of mine above...well they have just walked out in war paint
with their home made weapons. Their weapons of choice. Empty pens with pin board tacks in them..
I sat them down and calmly explained the dangers of this weapon. I then decided I needed to demonstrate. I blew through that pen and would you believe it the tack stuck into my tongue and groove wall. COOL says 10 year old.........
There's more.
Explained that it could do alot of damage if they shot one another or worse they could lose an eye. 5 year old looks at me and removes sunglasses he is wearing, and those big blue eyes are full of tears and he says to me..........
But Mum that's why I'm wearing the glasses...........
The Holidays have begun........................
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I've been busy still......

What a busy couple of days.............
Yesterday was our last craft day, next fortnight we are having our Christmas breakup.
So it was a busy day of mad sewing all day,
and last night I got the hand sewing all done..........My first quilt is all finished and I
am so happy with it..
Sorry I can't show any photos until after Christmas as it is DIL Christmas pressie.
Today I have been in town all day doing the Christmas present shopping.
My feet are sore and my wallet is empty.........
I have only a few bits and pieces to get now.
The children finish school Friday and things will slow down then.
I hope every ones week is going to plan. We are getting more rain at the moment which is a blessing.
Have a great day.....
A day in my life,
christmas presants,
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Busy Week Ahead.......
No more rain though. The creek is going down, there is still one crossing over,
so it wouldn't take much to bring them back up.
But the wind, it has been howling here for three days now.
Any one else getting it?
We haven't had any damage from it, others down in the valley have lost shed roofs.
On Saturday night we had a lovely time at our friends who renewed there wedding vows. There were two couples that did them. One couple had been married 22 years on the 22-11-08.
It was very romantic. The photo above is of them. Hubby lead them through their vows,
he was having trouble reading what they wrote as he left his glasses at home and had to borrow some.
Sunday we braved the wind to go to church. Boy were we glad to get down off the mountain and back to our valley.
Cleaned up some fallen branches and then it was of to another party.
We have something on every weekend between now and Christmas. I love this time of year with all the Christmas parties. Not so much for the
parties as for the people and the catching up with one another.
This after noon I am going to start putting up the Christmas decorations.
I love Christmas and every-thing about it. That is why today's post is a quick one.
Lots to do. I'll show you some photos later in the week.
I won't be posting everyday this week as it the children's last week of school and there is so much on. But I will make time of an evening to drop by and say hello.......
Friday, November 21, 2008
Having A DAM Fine Time.....
The children have all made it to school today......
I think yesterday was a day that they will long remember. Hubby grew up here and he still talks about being flooded in as a child......
Below is the dam behind our house. Only another 5 foot and it is full. What is so remarkable about this is that it hardly gets any water in it any more. New people on the hill above us put 2 dams in our catchment So now three dams have to fill up before our dam gets a drop.
So that is a lot of water.
all of yesterdays muddy clothes dry.
We all slept well last night as the children had been out hiking around the farm and helping the neighbour remove trees from his drive way. They were exhausted, so were we having been out early and up half the night before watching the rain.
This dam is the big dam over in the far paddock. It was empty.........
You can see how big it is by the car. Where the car is is the overflow so still a bit more to go.
This was taken 5pm last evening, see the storm rolling in behind.....
What is such a blessing to us, only 120klms away it is a curse.
This is our front paddock or as we like to call it now the bird habitat lol.
This has our front fence under it. I hope the cows don't realize the electric fence isn't working.
Let me explain the photo below,
The car with branches on it is the handy mans car. As you can see he was collecting the dead branches from the yard. He got bogged in the mud...
Hubby goes to the rescue after calling him a few names and explaining that the ground is to wet for driving on.
Middle car......hubby bogged.....ha..ha...ha O.K you had to be there but the look of disbelief on his face was priceless.
First car.........No idea ,total stranger out for a look at the floods. He managed to pull them both out without getting bogged.
Thank you random stranger.............

I hope every one enjoys there week end. We have a party tomorrow afternoon.Friends are
redoing there wedding vows, so it should be a good time.
Blessings to all
This is our front paddock or as we like to call it now the bird habitat lol.
This has our front fence under it. I hope the cows don't realize the electric fence isn't working.
Let me explain the photo below,
The car with branches on it is the handy mans car. As you can see he was collecting the dead branches from the yard. He got bogged in the mud...
Hubby goes to the rescue after calling him a few names and explaining that the ground is to wet for driving on.
Middle car......hubby bogged.....ha..ha...ha O.K you had to be there but the look of disbelief on his face was priceless.
First car.........No idea ,total stranger out for a look at the floods. He managed to pull them both out without getting bogged.
Thank you random stranger.............
I hope every one enjoys there week end. We have a party tomorrow afternoon.Friends are
redoing there wedding vows, so it should be a good time.
Blessings to all
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I Did It!!!
My First Dish Cloth.
I know, I know so sad a post dedicated to a dish cloth.
I can knit!!!!!!!!!!
WE'RE FLOODED IN.............
Every one is excited around here, it's flooding.
In a good way though.
All the creek crossings are over. The children are home as we can't get to Toowoomba.
This is one of the crossings, we have five to cross to get to town.
Then he is going to try to get to his Mum's and bring her back to our place.
This is our bottom paddock ,
the electric fence is all under water too.
All the tanks are full and there is water everywhere such a lovely sight to see.
Here is the birthday boy.
Hubby reakons the rain was the best present he could have got.
better go and check her room is clean.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Darl......
Today is my Darlings Birthday
he is 51 today......
Probably not the best photo, but I couldn't find the one I wanted.....
Being a birthday
we were up early
as hubby leaves at 6am for work.
Tonight he gets to pick whatever he wants for tea.
He has chosen Garlic Prawns.
So I'll be of to town latter to get some fresh prawns.
I had a wonderful day at my parents place yesterday.
The weather was awful for driving though. It was thick fog from home to Cabarlah and then again from Hampton to Crows Nest...........YUK.......
My parents live in a small town called Cooyar.
They bought an old hall and have converted that into there home.
The photos above and below are of Mums kitchen.Dad made every thing himself.
All the kitchen cabinets and even the lead light in the windows which you can't see any way.
Monday, November 17, 2008
in the air that takes away the memories of the heat from the
week end.
A perfect day.
I love this weather, maybe it is because they are so few and far between these days. There,s some thing that says cooking and reading,
about this type of weather.
cool of the sewing room. Being made from besser blocks it is very cool in there.
Saturday evening we had a 21st on.
It was a great evening, though it was late... My friend catered for all of the party on her own, (there were 100 plus) and did such a wonderful job. I had it easy all I had to do was set the tables........ Bronywn hired two girls from her daughters hospitality class and they did all the serving and most of the washing up afterwards.
I have to say that it was one of Bronwyns better ideas, as she was able to enjoy the evening.
Went back down to Bronwyns in the morning, it was hard to leave as she has air con.
We sat around drinking coffee and catching up.
for you. So we all had a big week end around here.

The photos are of the different day Lilie's I have in the garden, that I said last week I would show you. Bit late, though.
This is the first year I have had alot of them in.
The double yellow below is an old one. Also the dark red one.
As they mostly have come from the markets I don't have the names of any of them.
I find day lillies are very drought tolerant, I never water them at all!
Once they start to grow they divide well and flower within 12 mths.
The photos are of the different day Lilie's I have in the garden, that I said last week I would show you. Bit late, though.
This is the first year I have had alot of them in.
The double yellow below is an old one. Also the dark red one.
As they mostly have come from the markets I don't have the names of any of them.
I find day lillies are very drought tolerant, I never water them at all!
Once they start to grow they divide well and flower within 12 mths.
I have been up early and got the floors vacuumed and moped. Beds are made and washing done.
I have to be at my Mother in-laws by 9;30 this morning as we are getting screen doors put on her house so she can leave the doors open.
Then I will be picking the children up from school as we have to go Birthday shopping for
Tuesday I am going out to Cooyar as that is were my parents live and I am off to spend the day with them. They have just got back from a Sydney trip. So there will be lots to talk about.
Welcome to my new readers.......and thank you for all the wonderful
comments that you leave, I so enjoy them and reading all your wonderful blogs.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Day In My Life........
As I said earlier I woke up nice and early this morning and got one basket of laundry folded
lunches and breakfast made.
Sat down for a nice cuppa when I realized I hadn't put the washing on. Jumped up and proceeded
to trip down the stairs...
Time to take children to the bus asked 19 yr old to drive them as my foot was throbbing.
Sat down for awhile and rested my foot then thought that I'd do my blog. (1st one)
Finely got the load of washing on.
Foot still sore so again hobbled up to my sewing room and rested there for awhile watching the geese annoy the cows,
My foot started to feel a bit better so I was able to sit at my sewing machine
and sew.
It turned out quite retro I think. I love aprons and collect all old ones from second hand shops. I also love making them.

Then it was tea time sausages and fresh asparagus for hubby and I the children
had sausages in bread as a hot dog, there favorite Friday night tea.
6:45p.m and we were in the car to take the girls to youth group in Toowoomba.
Back home and did the washing up.
Watched T.V with the little boys. We watched Honey I Shrank The Kids.
The boys loved it (so did I )
9p.m Boys to bed. In the car back to Toowoomba pick up girls.
Youngest is covered in cake as tonight is the last youth for the year and they ended with a cake fight.
9.45pm and phone rings.... Chloe has got to Roma safely.Thank you Lord.....
I will Finnish my blog and have a bath and off to bed.
My foot is much better and I am walking O.K.
thanks for the well wishes girls.
All have a great blessed weekend.
I also started this little (below) cushion for my youngest daughter.
Once the quilt and this cushion is done I have finished my Christmas Present sewing..
Chloe came home from town and we spent some time to geather as she was getting ready.
Chloe came home from town and we spent some time to geather as she was getting ready.
Chloe is off to her sisters for the week end in Roma. There is a group going out there this weekend for the Roma Races. So she was able to get a lift out as it is a four hour drive.
Before I knew it, it was 3.30 pm and time to go and get the children from the bus stop.
We all said Bye to Chloe and then in for
After noon tea and they were in the pool.......
I managed to get a bit more sewing done.
Then it was tea time sausages and fresh asparagus for hubby and I the children
had sausages in bread as a hot dog, there favorite Friday night tea.
6:45p.m and we were in the car to take the girls to youth group in Toowoomba.
Back home and did the washing up.
Watched T.V with the little boys. We watched Honey I Shrank The Kids.
The boys loved it (so did I )
9p.m Boys to bed. In the car back to Toowoomba pick up girls.
Youngest is covered in cake as tonight is the last youth for the year and they ended with a cake fight.
9.45pm and phone rings.... Chloe has got to Roma safely.Thank you Lord.....
I will Finnish my blog and have a bath and off to bed.
My foot is much better and I am walking O.K.
thanks for the well wishes girls.
All have a great blessed weekend.
A day in my life,
christmas presants,
Things Are Not Going To Plan Today......
I was up nice and early this morning as I have a lot to get done.
I don't have to take my Mother in-law shopping this week as she is staying with our niece in Goondiwindi for a few days. I have only had to go to town once this week
and that is the way I like it.
Lots of house work to get done today that's why I was up early.
But then I tripped down the couple of stairs going down to the laundry.
I think I have sprained my ankle as it is very sore.
So won't be getting much house work done now. I do think I will be able to hobble up to
The Old Dairy
and get some sewing done. Lucky it's my left foot not my right.
Below are the new garden steps we just did going up to the vege patch and my sewing room.
You would think that I could have swept them first though.
I'm glad there in as it will make hobbling easier.
Any-way I have learnt something............
Do not get out of bed earlier to do it is bad for your health.
A couple of days ago Daisymum7 talked about showing some real photos of our house.
I have to say that I am the type of person that needs to have the house clean before I can go about my gardening or craft.
Now I'm not talking super mum clean, I think this is left over from my Home schooling days.
Also having a large family I find it easier if I keep
on top of things.
There are some rooms though that I TRY to turn a blind eye to,
the boys bedroom and the office.
Sooooo.........Here is the office as I am sitting in it now.
Oh! Look you can even see the unmade bed in the spare room, two messy rooms
for the price of one.
I won't show you the boys room as that is just to traumatic for any ones eyes.
Now I am of to clean the desk because I truly can't stand it. I will sit in
the office chair and wheel myself along............
Then again I might just go straight up to the sewing room. Out of sight out of mind...............
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Afternoon One & All
I have been in town (Toowoomba) all day today and my feet are protesting to the amount they had to walk.
The few times I do venture into town i park the car and walk to do all my bits and pieces.
I do go grocery shopping each week as it is to hard to buy enough
food for my lot any more than this.
One of the places I had to go was "spotlight" to get some more material
for Christmas presents.
I am known to get a a bargin now and again ,
and did I get one today.
See this quilters fabric below? well I picked it up cheap.
The checked one was $3 a metre and the rest were $8 a metre.......... plus.........
if you bought 1 mtr you got one free, that's right ladies.
(I think I just lost a lot of readers they are in there cars now and heading for the closest spotlight)
The red material is the same as in DILs quilt and I needed some more of that.
The plain pink one is to bind my quilt and the others............who cares
it was cheap and I know I will use them.
Here is a sneak peak at Karen's my DIL blocks, they are all mixed up as Karen reads my blog
and I don't want to give to much away.
You will have to wait until after Christmas to see the finished quilt.
Now that I have learnt to put a quilt together I am finely going to
make up these blocks. They have sat in the cupboard for years and I never got to finish the class as baby No 6 came along. Yes I no that was 10 yrs ago.
I am going to make into into a single bed quilt for that No 6 child.
Here is my top all together all to do know is put the wadding in it and the backing and quilt it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Back To Basics Kind Of Day.......
Hi everyone.......
The snow peas cucumbers and tomatoes are all doing well. I have been picking alot of tomatoes
I didn't get to blog yesterday as I was busy, busy,busy
Yes it was our local craft day yesterday.
I have learnt how to put a quilt together properly, sashing and boarder.
I have put a quilt together before, just not very well.
I really learnt alot yesterday and can't wait to get some more done.
I love our community craft days, the companionship and learning from one another.
I will post some photos latter today of the quilt.
This morning I have been making some more soap.
This will be my Christmas batch, I put cinnamon and nutmeg into
this batch as they are Christmas spices. The scent is not as strong as I would have liked though so I am going to have to find some oils I think to try. Any ideas???
I am going to package them similar to the soaps above, maybe more festive though..
Over at Rhondas blog
she is talking about electricity and water saving and of monitoring these . Well worth a look and I encourage you to take part.
I will be doing the electricity but not the water. We only have tank water here and I am already very frugal with that.
The snow peas cucumbers and tomatoes are all doing well. I have been picking alot of tomatoes
green and let them ripen on the bench. There is
no difference in taste at all. I always thought that you should let them ripen on the vine
for better taste. Picking them green also stops them getting attacked by bugs.......
For the last 10 years when I make my bread I have used the bread maker.
Today though I am going to make it by hand again.
WHY! I have lost touch with the bread. The kneading and the rising even the putting yeast into water and letting it ferment. All I do now is plop it all in the bread maker and turn it on and BREAD.
Nothing wrong with this though I just want to get back to basics. I will still use the bread maker when I am in a hurry (which is most of the time)
Well I am off to make that bread then to sash and boarder D.I.L quilt and finish the table clothes for Saturdays 21st.
Have a great day.
christmas presants,
soap making.,
vege garden
Monday, November 10, 2008
Garden Update
Every thing around here is growing so well after the rain'
Hubby says that if we are quiet we can here the grass growing........
The hedge is just about level with the pool and is really starting to look like a hedge now' there is still a couple of gaps where it got frosted in winter but they are starting to catch up.
We had a wonderful week end, Saturday was so hot and humid that after
getting home from town, we all stayed in the cool of the house and
just enjoyed being together. It was a nice relaxing day.
On Sunday we started the day of by going to Weis for breakfast,
all 7 off us.
I don't think the place new what hit them.....It was a fantastic
smorgasbord breakfast. This was the first time
that we have ever taken the younger children to a fancy restaurant we were very proud of
them as they were really well behaved.
I believe that is is important for younger children to experience eating out.
Yes they use there manners at home, but lets face it there is nothing like getting dressed up
and eating in a fine restaurant when you are only 10.
Memory making moments
we call them.
O I didn't mention that the whole meal only cost us $46 as Hubby was given a gift
voucher for $120 for his b/day last November and we hadn't used it yet.
And yes I forgot the camera......
Look at all the different colours of green in the rain forest garden. There is just so much new growth happening there at the moment.
The snow peas and cucumbers are doing so well. This area is shaded in the after noon so doesn't get that hot afternoon sun on it.
I think that is why they are doing so well here.
I finally got around to putting up my tomato bushes, they were climbing all over the
ground and I wanted to put them up so they didn't get any fungal growth on them after the rain.
I also found some "Ox heart" tomatoes and got them planted out. I remember reading somewhere that you should have 3 tomato bushes planted
per person to have enough tomatoes. I f that is the case I have15 bushes planted so
far and I will need another 6 to make 21 as there is seven living at home. I think though that I will plant a few more, with Christmas coming up we will need extra.
Put in some more "Mignonette lettuce" a well, I can't keep the Lettuce up to us. I have only been planting a punnet a week and have now decided to plant 2 a week.
We'll see how that goes. I am getting into
a rhythm of succession planting.....yes it takes some planing but it is worth it, to always have what you need with out the gaps.
We only have two puppies left, the one on the ground getting her ear chewed is "pirate" we are keeping her. This is Hubbys dog, he chose her and named her.
The other little girl is going soon as well.
We have been so lucky getting homes for the pups, when people heard we had them
they were gone. Not one person saw them first, just said they would take one
as they all
know Molly and what a good dog she is, so I hope the live up to expectations......
The back fence is coming along nicely it should be finished this week.
Pirate hasn't ventured down to this part of the yard yet but I'm sure it won't be long....
back to it.
All have a great Monday.....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My worn shoes
Friday, November 7, 2008
I can say with absolute honesty that I have gotten nowhere this week......
Don't get me wrong the house is clean and my jobs are up to date....kinda......sorta
well mostly any way.
I haven't had a chance to even do any gardening this week and
after that wonderful rain I want to get the weeding done.
I did manage to get the Muesli Bars made yesterday..
I had the baby sitting yesterday, and then some people came to pick
up there puppies........
and stayed until 7 o'clock grrrrrrrr.
I just feel out of whack .
I know what I need to do and that is say NO more often to people that drop around
of an evening on a school night. It is happening more and more
and it's driving me craaaazyyy.....
I have decided that I will just get up and go about the things I need to do
of an evening. I won't be rude, just tell them I have jobs to do.
Do you think this will work?
There I feel much better now that I have vented.
as I haven't cut it up yet.
Here is the receipe.
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup Pepita's
1 cup muesli
3cups rice bubbles
1/2 cup coconut
Put all these dry ingredients into a bowl.
Then place in a saucepan.
125grams of butter
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup raw sugar
Melt over slow heat until all dissolves, then simmer for 5 mins
mixture will thicken slightly.
Add to dry ingredients mix together thoroughly.
Press into a 19cm x 29cm Lamington try lined with foil or you may grease tin.
Press firmly and refrigerate until set.
Cut into slices the size of muesli
I always make a double batch up when i make these.
I also add what ever other nuts, dried fruit and even choc bits that
are open and in the pantry..
I have been to town this morning to take my Mother in-law shopping.
I only had to get a few things myself. Whops forgot to hide the chips..ha ha ha.
Their for the children really...... not my lunch.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lovely, lovely rain.......50mls of it........
Our house tank was nearly out of water so the rain last night was greatly appreciated
Hubby and I sat on the veranda with a glass of wine and watched the rain fall
and run into the tank........
It was better than any show on T.V that's for sure.
All the roses and budlias are starting to flower,
this is my back garden, the bulbs are all dying off and look a bit untidy.
But the day lillies are all starting to flower, I have lots of different colours this season as
last summer I planted alot of new ones I got
from the markets.
Below are two patterns that I found in a shop at Charters Towers.
They were only $2 each.
I can't wait to give the top nightie a go. The bottom one is winter nighties, so that will be awhile
before I try it.
I have lots of left over lace and bits and pieces that will go
on to them. I love my PJs to look pretty.
This is the material that DIL Karen picked out for her "stack and whack" quilt.
I had a busy day in the sewing room yesterday making all the squares.
They look so good all these colours together.
I may give you a sneak peak, but not much as DIL reads this blog and I don't want to
ruin the surprise for her..
O! While I was away my washing machine blew up. ......
It has been making awful noises for about 12mths and I new it was on the
way out.So of course it had to happen while I'm away.
I didn't realize how bad the other one was until I used the new one. Funny how you get used to things. All my clothes are coming out so much cleaner.
O.K I spend alot of time in my laundry but come on doesn't
Miss Kleenmaid look pretty........
I have to get to know her though, as I have been missing the grey water.
I use the grey water on my garden so I really need to learn when it is going to pump out and collect my water.
As the baby is only 8 mths old I don't get alot done with him here.
I would like to say hello to all the new ladies that have stopped by.
And thank you all for the comments that you leave, I love
reading them.
Jacqui when we picked the olives we used little rakes
just like the ones the kiddies use in the sand pit.
You put a tarp under the tree and rake through the branches and the olives fall
onto the tarp.
I then soaked my olives in salt water for about 3 weeks.
Changing the water every 2 days.
By the end of 3 weeks they weren't bitter any more and were soft.
I then bottled then with clean salted water.
This was the first time I have done olives and they turned out great.
I hope this has given you an idea any way, come olive season I will go through it again..........
Well Baby is waking up so I must go
until tomorrow
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