Thank you for all the well wishes for Robbie, as you can see in this photo he
got his plaster off...........We are all very happy.
Lastnight was the last night the family will be togeather for awhile so we
celebrated Robbies B/day. His birthday is next Thursday on the 7th.
The money he has in his hot little hands are b/day presents from his 2 big sisters.
He thinks he is pretty blessed with all the money he has.
for Thursday.
David took this photo New Years Eve of the flame tree in our front
yard. It looks like a christmas tree dosn't it?
All the red flowers are starting to drop of and the new young leaves are comming on. I don't remember it ever looking so beatuiful.
I hope every-one had a Happy New Year.
We had family and friends around for nibblies to see in the New Year.
My big boy David left to drive home at 4am today. We all got up to wave him off, then I couldn't get back to sleep. Might be because I got my self into a bit of a state with all the
crying I was doing. Silly I know. I just don't do well being parted from him. He has been in Charters Towers for 2 yrs now and I'm still not used to it.
Karen celebrated the New Year in Germany, she is having a great time over there.
So she should this is a holiday of a life time for her.

All the Christmas decorations are all down and the tree is away for another year.
The house looks quiet bare with all the decorations down.
Every thing is cleaned and dusted though and when I get back I will
go through and put every thing back up that I took down to put the decorations up.

The caravan is all cleaned out and packed. I will take some photos of our camp to post when I get back. This after noon I will give the house a last clean up before we leave.
We had a lovely visit from our good friends on Tuesday. It was so good to see
them again, as it had been awhile. There are some people in this world that I beleive God sends into our life to make it richer and fuller. Well God sent Angie and her beatuiful family into our lives. No matter how far we are from one another I know that out 2 famlies will always keep in contact. Hubby and I think of thiese 2 beatuifull children as grandchildren, and love them to bits.

Well this will be my last post for about a month.
If I find time to drag myself of the beach I will go to the Libary
and drop in to say hello.
I will come home all reasted and inspired to start a new year.......
The children have opened there money tins while I have been blogging
to count up all there pocket money they have been saving for holidays.
Cassandra $124
Robertson $140
William $35
I think they did a great job of saving and am very proud of them,
they are also very proud of themselves as well and have learnt some life lessons
on money managment.
See you then and blessings to all