Yesterday was a wonderful day to be out in the garden,
sunny but cool enough to just keep going without getting
to hot. I planted out alot of pots that needed
to go into the garden..mulched,mulched and mulched some more.
Pruned all of the natives.
I also brought alot of new saliva's home from Mum's that I needed
to pot up.
I am not to sure of the name of them yet as I have to
look them up. We always make sure we buy different ones so that way
we take cuttings and share them. Saliva's are such a beautiful
plant as they are so drought tolerant as well.
I was ready for bed at 8p,m last night, but their is
something energising I find about falling into
bed after working hard in the garden all day. Knowing that
I am making a better life for my family. Living a more basic life
is a freedom I don't take for granted. I know for many it is still a dream
and you are still working towards that life, every day brings you closer though....

I think I am going to have to move my vege garden.
I am finding already that the wind is doing so
much damage and the westerlies aren't even here yet. Things are
getting wind burnt....Where the vege garden is up at The Dairy was only
temporary any-way...I am just going to have to move it sooner
than planed.....
So the new plan is to have it up and ready to go for spring..

We were to be getting Japanese students tomorrow for
a few days but they cancelled coming to Australia
because of the swine flu.......
On there T.V is warnings about the epidemic of
swine flu in Australia.......come on I think there
is 2 people I don't call that an epidemic there
is more with the common cold.............
Any-way the busy week-end will now be quieter.
Soccer with the boys tomorrow,church Sunday and
lots of gardening in between.
Chloe is off to Roma to visit her sister for the week-end,
she is taking her boy friend out to meet her, so
they'll have a good time I'm sure....
I hope you all enjoy your week-end....
Whether it is Spring or Autumn...