Look what goodies arrived all the way from
New Zealand......They are from my "paper bag" swap partner.
I would love to show you what I sent her only......
I forgot to take a photo!!!!!!I know not the first time.
You can visit and have a look here at what I sent.
I already know what I am going to make from this wonderful
lot of goodies, so I can't wait to
get to the sewing room and start, may-be tomorrow...

Yesterday was crazy, busy for me.

First I had craft where I showed the ladies how to
make soap. They have been wanting to learn for ages.
This time I put some paprika in it for colouring,I love the swirl effect that it gives.
Below is straight out of the mould and above, cut into bars.

After craft it was up to the hospital to see my darling, who
surprised me by getting out of bed and walking around a bit.......
He finely looks like he is on the mend.......the fact that we are
supposed to be leaving on the 23rd of this
month for our yearly fishing holiday probably has a lot to do with it...
At 3p.m it was over to the school to get the children than back to
the hospital to visit there Dad...It took me 1 hour to
get to the school and back at that time of day...
Then home by 5:30 homework and tea....Crawled into bed at 9p.m.

This morning though I felt much better. I let the children sleep in
than took them to school as I had to take Alanah to T.A.F.E
Visited Greg again for awhile, and then look what
I found. My handy man had pulled down the old birdcage and
even set up the table and chairs for me(I love this fellow)
Doesn't it look so much better. Above is the view from
the side veranda, it has opened all the
garden up and made it so neat.
Love it, only it is to cold and windy to sit out there
today and have a cuppa...

Robbie had a great day away on Monday..
They made it to the semi-finals, not bad for a team that
has only had one practice. Here he is in his Toowoomba uniform
with his certificate..
This afternoon I've been catching up on washing,folding
and general housework, but the housework is very patient with
me as no matter how long I take it is still waiting for me.......
Have a great day all