Thanks for all the uplifting comments from Fridays post, you Ladies all know how to make me feel better...and I am feeling much better after a wonderful relaxing week-end.
Saturday saw me get all the mowing done and NO wiper snipering.....No matter how much I sweared at it, it would not start. I decided to do the edges by hand and shovel. Every-thing is looking neat and tidy now.
Saturday we all went to a Trivia night at church,,It was a lot of fun, I helped out with supper, It was such a fun night and I got to meet some new people which is what I wanted to do..>

Sunday morning we slept in till 8a.m and then off to church. I love that our church doesn't start till 9:30a.m as we get to sleep in.... A lady from our church gave her testimony....boy it was powerful. Deb was diagnosed with bowl cancer 18 mths ago. if you are interested go to the link and hear her.....
In the afternoon my 2 older nephews came down to spend time with Robbie and William, they all had a wonderful time in the pool....These young men could have been out doing any-thing instead they choose to be with there younger cousins....To me this is what family is about...seeing a need and doing something about it..Thank you boys...
While they were swimming I managed to get some cooking done which was wonderful. I put on an apron and did my best Nigella impersonation..Then it was of to Greg's youngest brothers place for tea. It did seem a little strange at first to be there without Greg..Another first I suppose, but we all had a lovely bar-b-cue for tea and the children had a good time playing together...How was your week-end????
I love Mondays, getting in and getting the housework done, that 1 day a week when the house is sparkly and clean, until 4p.m that is...I got an hour in the garden this morning before starting inside. I am going to do an hour each morning before I go to work, starting my day with gardening will have to make for a more relaxed day...
I'm going to make some lunch and do some blog reading.
Blessing to all.