Wednesday greetings, and yes Wednesday already and I haven't shown you what we did on the week end.
I am making a few changes to The Old Dairy.
Above is the front of the Dairy and the guest quarters, below is the shed at the back. I have always had plans for this shed.
Other then having somewhere to park the mower.
I have always seen this area as an outside kitchen and living area and then the old dairy will just be used for sleeping.(no more craft room)
BUT The inside....O my
My darling Greg used this as a dumping ground and his little sons are no better. Poly pipe, wood, steel, push bikes etc I think you get the picture.
O and lets not forget motor bikes
So that is what this shed looked like before. A mess. So we got to cleaning it all out, it is now empty. Why ?you ask...
My youngest daughter Cassandra turned 16 on Sunday...Below you can see her and her new birthday pressie...
Meet Chili the Tapoddle. But also I have always given my girls a sweet 16th birthday party. Cassie wanted a bush themed party. Now what better place to have it than in the old shed.
So we cleared and we cleaned and we cleaned some more.
it was all empty.(cold beer here)

OK so now it just looks like an empty shed(which it is) but boy do I have plans...
This shed is going to become our main entertaining area. The above area I am turning into a outdoor kitchen. Below will be the shed for parties.
I have been having fun getting this shed ready for 30 16yr olds on Saturday night.(twitch twitch)
It only has a dirt floor so we got hold of some old carpet hessian side up and tar dar a floor.
I have been bringing in furniture and decorating it all for a bush theme...
It is starting to look good, I will show you it all decorated when it is finished.
Now I need a name to call this area.
The Old Shed????
hmmmm any suggestions at all?
Let me know what you think...