leg...The good news is I got the all clear on my nose
so there will be no botox....which is just as well as I hate needles.
So I have been doing some cooking and fluffing around the house, funny
thing is when your told to stay still for a few days all I want to do is get up and do things.
These are super easy biscuits to make
2 cups almond meal
1 cup rapidura sugar
2 eggs
bind all together and roll in wet hands so the mixture doesn't stick and
cook in a mod oven for 10-15 mins...
WARNING do eat the mixture before cooked as it tastes soooooo
good there will be none left....
Almond meal is quiet expensive so I buy the almonds and grind them up
in my thermomix.
I also use this mixture as a tart base with apples laid on top sprinkled with
cinnamon and sugar. yummo
I got these recipes from Tania Hubbards book Gluten free Grain free.
Her recipes are so quick and easy go and check her site out.
I have turned these into jam drops, tarts, choc chip bics, ginger snaps what ever you want.
I have turned these into jam drops, tarts, choc chip bics, ginger snaps what ever you want.
News Around the Farm.
I have 3 new Araucana chooks, these little sweeties lay blue eggs.
Below you can see the difference in the eggs,brown, white and blue, they are a true blue colour aren't they pretty? and yes they taste the same and no the egg is not blue....True I have been asked that!!!
I have found that these girls a very flighty so I have had to keep them in a smaller
pen for now, I'm not sure if it is there nature or they need taming a little more.
My other exciting news is we have had our first lambs slaughtered...
Our first farm fresh meat.
We got both lambs done, there is a lot of roasts and chops some stewing meat as well.
Molly was on hand to help, she sat there the whole time watching me pack the meat up.
The only time she moved was when I put it into the baskets to take down to the freezer..
Other exciting news is next Tuesday I am flying to Melbourne for a few
days with my Mum and Alanah for a girly time.
I have never been to Melbourne so am so excited and looking forward to it.
Now if any one has any tips for where to go while we are there let me know.
Have a great week end