I feel free, liberated even let me share why.
I cleaned my closet!!!!
It was full,
full of shoes, clothes, blankets, hats and crap no one else wanted
Before clean out |
Took me all of 15mins...
In a crazed like state I just through things out with out thinking about it.
I have NEVER done a clothes cleansing like this. You know that skirt and dress you paid a fortune for 10 years ago...GONE. What about all the clothes from the op shops that you bought in a frenzy when you lost your weight AND have not worn!!!!! GONE. Then theirs the shoes 23 pairs I have thrown out, GONE.
Not to mention the hats....I don't even like hats! All the handbags I have collected over the years GONE....They were falling apart.
After crazed throwing |
Much better.
Do I regret throwing 5 very large wheelie bin bags of clothes away? No... what I feel is embarrassed, embarrassed that I owned so much stuff....stuff that doesn't make me happy ...most of it I didn't like..
Now I love the items that I have kept they were the ones I wore all the time....I mean i don't go out that much any way.
After |
I love my bedroom and am thank full for a my walk in robe that Bruce built me, now I'm not afraid to go in there.
Do you like my chair? a love seat I think you would call it.
My cleaver Bruce made it for our room from 2 old chairs, I need to make
some cushions for it yet but I love it.
I have been busy in the sewing room fighting the cat, I mean sewing haha
I made Charlie some clothes for his birthday with a Indian theme material.
They were a hit.
I needed to run to town on Monday and buy a new iron, ummmm came home with a over locker.
I have really wanted one for years and always been scared to use one, while I was in spotlight they were on sale for a crazy price...I knew if I didn't get one I would regret it....
Well I love it...
Went back through those bags of clothes looking for some I could refashion.
This dress was too high in the neck and choked me when I sat down, but I love the material...So I turned it into a skirt. The top I will hem and put back in the bag.
This top was a little short so I added some lace to the bottom of it, perfect now.
Have you ever had a major clothing breakdown? Or just me?
I want you too know I have no intentions of going out and buying new clothes to replace the ones I got rid of, that would defeat the purpose. No, now I will wear what I have and what I have, I love..