Things have been a little crazy in the last 2 years getting my business up and going and the last 12months moving it closer to the house.
Because I love what I do it doesn't seem like work at all.
I have noticed though I am not as prepared as I used to be. Prepared for what you ask?
Life and all it throws at you.
In 2011 we had the most devastating floods where people were killed, here stranded at our house was 16 people and we had plenty of food and produce to feed them.
If that same thing happened now and only 3 of us living here we would run out of food in 24 hours.
Yes I got off track for a while but am back on the path of being more sustainable and self sufficient.
Around 3 months ago we invested in 9 geese and 10 ducks...
The reason being was I couldn't keep up with the mowing and the grass in the food forest was knee high. Well they had that grass down within 2 weeks and I have not had to mow since...
We have a acre yard and no mowing...
They are the quietest geese and will feed from my hand I am totally in love with these beautiful animals. They have the run of the farm but if I'm not on the veranda by 8am they are waiting at the bottom of the steps for their breakfast all 19 of them hahaha.
We now have 7 sheep both Bridget and Brenda had twins this year. We still have a little meat left in the freezer from last year. We will put 3 in the freezer and 1 is going to Cassie.
The piggies are growing and are doing a great job of cleaning the land for us.
They are both bound for the freezer as well. They are electric fence savvy and this way we move them to land we want cleaned up.
The glass house has been great for keeping plants in over winter and I love this room...
Sometimes on cold days I will go out there just to get warm and potter about.
We have bananas all year round now with the 6 different varieties we have.
The fruit trees are also doing well and keeping as in fruit we really only have to buy apples.
I have been a bit slack in the vege garden. Not much going on but herbs, plenty of herbs.
This is mainly because our daughter and hubby have a farm and they keep us in all the veges we need. I am getting ready to plant summer crops. Over winter we had kale, tomatoes and lettuce self seeding every where so were never with the basics.
With all the cabbages we get I have been making sauerkraut lots of it as we love it.
Also making lots of pickles and relishes with all the gifted produce.
Back into bread making as well, I have started a sour dough and am
making the first sourdough loaf today.

We have our wood stove in and Bruce just needs to hook it all up and I will be able to bake my bread in it.....
As you can see we are getting there. I also did a big grocery shop this week and the shelves are full.
My main hindrance is I hate going to the supermarket, so getting self sufficient again will cut down on the times I need to go.
Do you stockpile? What measures do you take for natural disasters or just the fact that you are house bound and can't get out...
Enjoy your week