What a great day I had yesterday, I got into the garden up at the dairy. After the rain all the stinging nettles had come up,as this is a new garden and I don't think it has ever had any-thing planted there before, well the weeds are all gone now and once again there is room for the plants to grow there. The nasturtiums are doing very well, they seem to like the cold wet conditions up here.
I thought that I would tell you a little bit about my blogs name. Why the old dairy? That's just what it is I wish I had some photo's of before it was transformed. Basically we have lived here for nineteen years and in all that time it sat abandoned as it didn't belong to us until we bought the rest of the farm surrounding the house.
Two years ago we got around to renovating it, got the front wall up which is on the left of the picture as that was open and all the bales where there for the milking. Then we painted the out-side, now this may seem back to front to you but our eldest son was getting married and they wanted photos taken up here. So we worked from the out-side in.
This is the inside.........Once it was all painted it came up so well.I just love it.As you can see it is my sewing room.I am still decorating it and there is no power yet so I run a lead up there for my machine. But it is all mine.believe me after never having a sewing room for many years I must say I am very possessive of my new space.
I had a budget of $400 to furnish the two rooms and I found every-thing I needed from the second hand shops in just one day. Above is a hutch my handy man made me using left over wood from around the place.This is my favorite piece I think because it cost nothing.................
So that is some of the story of my Dairy/sewing room.

Last night I joined a new craft group, what a lovely bunch of ladies they were,and it was good to get out and meet some new local people. I love to do hand stitching as it is easy to put down and pick up. The one above is one I did for the sewing room. I love this one.

This is a photo of my youngest boy getting a hair cut yesterday, he don't look to impressed does he. Not the easiest persons hair to cut..
Last night I joined a new craft group, what a lovely bunch of ladies they were,and it was good to get out and meet some new local people. I love to do hand stitching as it is easy to put down and pick up. The one above is one I did for the sewing room. I love this one.
This is a photo of my youngest boy getting a hair cut yesterday, he don't look to impressed does he. Not the easiest persons hair to cut..
Now I'm going to get some work done around the house..Have a great day today every-one