Some how I have managed to get the date and time wrong .Never mind we know that to is really WEDNESDAY today, don't we.

I hope every -one had a great day yesterday! For me it was one of those fulfilling days, you know the ones. You haven't done any-thing special just gone about your day and in that found happiness. Once the washing was on the line it dried quickly,so I was able to fold it all and get it all put away. The rooms dusted,vacuumed and beds made.

Then it was time to pull on the gum boots and get out to the sun shine and the weeds.

This is one of my back gates(I have 3) If you look closely you can see the grass getting away into the garden beds.This path leads from to garden to where I am making my vege patch but there is a lot of work to be done. First I have to get a fence around it to keep the cows out. Down this path leads to the back of the house and the clothes line.

This is where I was working yesterday the side garden,sorry not a real good picture, I'm going to have to get into the habit of taking my camera out into the garden with me. Most of the green in the garden are weeds, not that you can tell from this photo.
Miss A cooked tea last night,as she stayed home from school today with a headache. Any way she made a cottage pie, a baked custard and peppermint cookies.All from the Wiki how site.
We had fresh broccoli and cauliflower in white sauce to go with it.....YUMMY

The sun is shinning today and the out side is begging for me to come out. Today I am going up to the old dairy and working on the garden up there. Looking at the picture on my header I'm going to have to get rid of the white plastic chair and put a different one there.
Have a great day in doing the simple things in life that you enjoy..........
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