Monday, March 9, 2009

A Makeover....

Friday I had a very creative day.

This lamp I got from a garage sale about 20 yrs ago, and I thought

that it was time for a make over.

I forgot a before photo though, the base was wooden, so I

painted it white. Put some bling a a new lamp shade

and I have a very pretty lamp.........

Here is a close up. I love the beaded fringing, I use it alot on lamps and wall hangings

I think it is so feminine..

I also made some new curtains for the spare room. I got in and gave the room a good clean as Jessica was coming home. Surprising how dusty a room can get.

The curtains were just quick ones, more for privacy than any thing.

We had a lovely week end, got all the party things bought and organized.

And just spent lots of time together which was nice....

Today I am going to clean my fridge out as over at

Taters mamas take on things

she is having a fridge challenge stop by and take a look.

I am also planting out a few veges this afternoon.

Have been working on the vege patch over the week end.

Blessings to every one today



  1. I worked in our vege garden as well finally got it tidied up and planted out with a few things adding a new bed in that postion and building a few more in the Orchard paddock this weekend. THa spot get more sun than the "summer" garden you've seen in my photos.


  2. That is a beautiful lampshade! You are very talented!

  3. Hi Mandy,

    I love the new look lampshade, you have done a wonderful job with it.

    The weather has cooled down here and it is looking like rain, I won't get too excited though. Rain usually passes us by. The garden is patiently waiting for my attention.

