I am missing my life. Now I know that seems a strange statement to make so let me explain.. Each morning I wake up and rush and get ready to go to the workshop, then it is all a blur until it's time to get the children from school. Then there is some shopping to do for tea, rush home help with homework and get tea ready...
Today I have stopped...........
I don't even recognize myself any-more. I have run out of hand made soap and I love making soap......Baking ha, these days I don't have time. Gardening double ha and as for sewing, what's that??? Now you see why I called this post "Pity party" cause boy am I feeling awfully sorry for myself. I suppose I am missing my old life, my life as Greg's wife or as he used to joke Mrs Happy Homemaker.. I know that life never stays the same, because life is a journey. It's just that I feel that I am being forced along this path and I can't go back.
So things have to change...I know there are so many working Mums out there and you all manage to juggle every-thing, well give me some tips....
I do know that as a Christian God is in control of my life, and I also am a firm believer in that good will come from every situation, I just can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and when I do see it, it happens to be an oncoming train.......
I need to get myself into a healthier routine...I'm thinking......I will try going into work later in the day so a get a couple of hours in at home first..I know that as I'm learning more I am getting work done faster at the shop, and I need to be there over lunch time. I will see how the next week goes as I try this... I am feeling better already after having a rant.....Thanks for listening not that you had a choice....lol
Have a safe and blessed week-end