Every morning when I wake up this is what I see out my bed room window. I make a cup of coffee and sit here at this window to have my quiet time and think about the day ahead.

This last week-end there has been much to think about... After the dust storms of the last 10 days the out side of the house needed a good wash down...So Friday saw us with the high pressure cleaner, brooms and to work we went, we scrubbed and washed windows and cleaned the outdoor furniture.

Now as you have probably realized I am the kind of person that when I clean I also rearrange the furniture..yes even outside...All my outdoor plants where looking very tired so I planted them in the garden and got a heap of new ones..Brought this little table and chairs up from the courtyard added some cushions and we now have lunch out here.....

Saturday was a hard day for me as it was the 3rd which means Greg has been gone for a month,I woke at 1a.m and just couldn't get back to sleep, I finished a book I had been reading and at 5 a.m went and sat on my nice clean rearranged veranda..Thinking of how much I have been loved by Greg and how very much I miss him, in fact it is getting harder each day. Silly me I thought it would get easier.. Saturday night was my nephews engagement party, Chloe took the children and I stayed home as I am just not yet ready to be going out yet....

Sunday was spent with Jessica as she came home for the party...A nice lazy day..I did go to the Sunday markets in the morning and got some more plants for the courtyard..I moved the direction of the table and planted some citrus trees in pots. I have lots of young geranium plants out here as well so when they grow it will have a real Mediterranean feel to the area...

This rose is Crepascle, it looks stunning against the purple wall, this is what I look out to from the lounge room.
What did you get up to on the week end????
Tomorrow I am of to the work shop...I have worked out how to juggle things...Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursdays will be spent at the workshop...Friday, Saturday,Sunday and Monday will be at home...This seems to be the way I will go. The people that was looking at buying the business has decided not to...That is fine, I am not worried as I know that it is all in Gods hands, he can see the big picture I can't...
Blessings to all
Hello Mandy
ReplyDeleteYou are right you know - in time things will sort themselves out
Love what you've done to the outside seating area and those purple walls are a great fashion statement. Lovely view from the window and along the rose wall
Nothing ever gets easier, it just hurts a little less
Take care
Hi Mandy
ReplyDeleteOkay so we have purple walls, red garden furniture...what's next? Can't wait to see.
I felt so sad for you, reading about Greg being gone one month. It will take a long time to stop hurting and missing him...and that is so okay. My Mum lost Dad over 20 years ago and I think she is still grieving. Your memories are what will keep you going and see you through.
love, Joolz
so beautiful! so relaxing and inviting!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could visit you there...
Hi Mandy,
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean for a time it does just get harder. Strange isn't it, but eventually as the weeks go by it slowly gets a little easier. Maybe easier is not the word but a lighter burden to carry. Easier to laugh without feeling guilty, easier to be happy without wondering how that can be. Thinking of you sweetie.
The 2nd was the anniversary of my Vann's death--one month. It was hard, so I know a little about what you are feeling. For me, Mandy, it does get easier, then it gets harder again, then a little easier. And just when I think I've got it licked, it gets so hard I think I can't stand it. Grief is a process, they tell us. And alll this is perfectly normal. Awful--but normal.
ReplyDeleteI love your yards and gardens. Everything looks very nice.
Hi Mandy, oh I am loving your home and your verandah is looking fabulous. I can understand how you would look out your bedroom window in the mornings to have the peaceful time on your own. Beautiful view. Don't push yourself hun, as you say things will happen when they are meant to, its all part of the bigger plan and to try and rush things is not in your best interest. Just breathe and take each day as it comes and know we all send special hugs and lots of love your way,
ReplyDeletehugs Deb