Rain, rain every where, and I am loving it.The sound of rain on the tin roof as I am sleeping, the chill in the air so I need to pull a blanket up..yyummmm...
(our local creek)
It seems like it has been raining for ages and it has 3 weeks now, the creeks are all flowing and the water is starting to clear not the muddy brown from flooding but clear running water..The crossing comes up and goes down...This week-end it can stay up and we can stay flooded in...
(the road to town)
My heart goes out to those in our state of Queensland that have lost homes or had water damage. If only we had the rain with out the devastation...Our dams are starting to fill up all around though and may-be water restrictions will be lifted..
I need to get out and go for a drive around the farm as I think alot of the dams here will be full. It is a good time to see the farm as every-thing is so green and there is plenty of feed for the cattle. So any-one interested in 140 acres in the beautiful valley of the Lockyar.
When I'm sitting on the veranda and all is quiet I can hear a russelling sound and I didn't know what it was,well I have worked it out. It is the sound of grass growing!!!!!! I kid you not...

Above is my dinning room. Well with all the building going on I can not leave clothes in the laundry as they get covered in dust...So with all the wet I have clothes hanging trying to get dry so dinning room to Chinese laundry.
My heart goes out to those in our state of Queensland that have lost homes or had water damage. If only we had the rain with out the devastation...Our dams are starting to fill up all around though and may-be water restrictions will be lifted..
I need to get out and go for a drive around the farm as I think alot of the dams here will be full. It is a good time to see the farm as every-thing is so green and there is plenty of feed for the cattle. So any-one interested in 140 acres in the beautiful valley of the Lockyar.
Above is my dinning room. Well with all the building going on I can not leave clothes in the laundry as they get covered in dust...So with all the wet I have clothes hanging trying to get dry so dinning room to Chinese laundry.
The room is looking good all walls are up and only a coat of plaster to go, it is having trouble setting because of the wet so it is taking a little longer...
I have a link for you all to go and have a look at.http://www.dreamingvintage.blogspot.com/ yes Alanah has started her blog...She now calls it Canadian Nanny Diaries. Drop by and say hello to her.....I won't give you any news on her today I'll let you read for your self.
There will be lots of knitting this week-end and I might even go up to the Old Dairy and clean up and spend some time up there...It has been so long since I have sewed...I think what I like most about the rain is that it forces me to slow down and stop...
I am going to surf blog land and visit alot of friends I havn't in along time as well, I might even do some work on my blog....so much I can do....
Have a wonderful wet week-end....
Hiya Mandy, the rain must be a blessing for all of you although you have been having so much of late. Like you I wonder how those people who have suffered through too much are coping.
ReplyDeleteHave just popped over to read Alanah-Mays blog. Gosh she is such a wonderful girl and you must be so proud of her. It is great to read how much she is enjoying her time away.
hugs Deb
Hi Mandy, Thanks for letting us know of Alanah-May's blog. I've popped over to visit. You room is looking good. Hugs, Jeanette
ReplyDeleteHi Mandy, my front room looks like a chinese laundry too. Clothes are taking ages to dry I wished it were cool enough to put the fire on and get them dry lol. I noticed yesterday that mould is starting to appear on different things it's still quite humid here on the coast. Yuk. I have been enjoying the rain but I feel I need a day of sunshine soon
ReplyDeleteJust two words for you Mandy.... "lucky buggers!"
ReplyDeleteWe are still hanging out for some rain, it did tease us a little last night, I could smell it and hear it ever so briefly, like 30 seconds....grrr!
Your grass appears to happily growing nice and green, cant believe there is so much rain up north this year. I know it happens most years but not this much.
Have a great weekend,
You didn't go to the Girls stitch in then?
ReplyDeleteWow, can't believe how much rain you've had. Poor St. George - how heart breaking, waiting for the flood water to peak. I hope everyone will be okay and safe.
ReplyDeleteGoing to Alanah's for a peek now. Stay dry,
Cheers - Joolz
Hi Mandy,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog by following the crumbs and enjoyed reading your posts. Decided I just need to follow your blog! I'm from Oklahoma, USA...
Liz (aka Ninny)
How wonderful of you all to drop by Alanah's blog to say hello she is tickled pink.
ReplyDeleteDeb so many homes under water it is so sad for them,
Jeanette, I can't wait to get into that room and start decorating..
Thanks for the mould comment Jackie hadn't noticed till I had a look and yep got it in the bathroom....
Tania , I so hope some of this rain comes down to you as I know how much you need it.
Debbie all I can say is What stich in , I think I've missed out on something!!!!
Welcome Liz from Oklahoma, I will pop over and find you, I love finding new blogs..