We have had so much wonderful rain this last week..
All the causeways are over and we have had a few stranded cars along the way...One local girl had her car washed down the creek, it is a right of now. It was nice being flooded in all week end.
So with all the wet weather around we decided to get in and rip out a few walls. Above and below you can see there is a room in end on the corner, this is Robbie's room ....
All opened up.....
To rip this room out has been a dream for a long time, I can now see out the front and if any one is coming up the front stairs.
Now all this was done on Saturday wait till you see what we did on Sunday.....
Lots has been happening so there will be alot of photos this week...
This little room has been every ones bed room at one time, well now it is gone.
Below is the entry, and leads into Robbie's room.
And yes it is back to being the dinning room again.
Below is the entry ,now you can walk from the front door around to the kitchen.....I love it, still along way to go but progress is happening.
Lots has been happening so there will be alot of photos this week...
Lets call it reno week shall we..
Blessings till tomorrow
Fabulous! Mandy I Love your Spirit..can't wait to see what else you got up too....
Looking forward to your reno week & seeing lots more photos. We are starting to flood over our way again to.
Caroline xo
wow you are a reno monster girl!!!!!! Love your transformations not the getting flooded in part though I'd go a little stir crazy and any how how do you get the the bottleo in all that water???????