Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Toowoomba Carnival Of Flowers...
Just a few of our favs.
The ladies above were so elegant as they swayed and walked along.
After the parade it was of to the side show for some fun William and Mandy fun that is.
I know we are so brave..While we were freaking out because we had stopped at THE VERY TOP (Will took good care of me) I thought I could hear Cassie screaming. OK so there were hundreds of girls screaming on the rides but I'm sure I heard Cass, looking across to one ride sure enough there is my girl looking just as I felt. sick...sick...sick. Believe me that girl can scream.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I have been out and about playing in the garden. I dragged out one of the girls old push bikes from under the house, added a basket with flowers to the front and prettied up this corner of the back yard. Not exactly the old weathered bike I had in mind, but hey it works I think.
My Irises are out in bloom, as is the lavender. My roses are full of buds and it won't be long until I have a garden full of blooms.
There is colour in every corner of the garden.
Below is Oriental Lillie's. No these aren't from my garden but I planted a few that I ordered this year from Garden Express. I have ordered a lot through this on line nursery and I have had nothing but success with all I got. My lilies are about 10 inches high at the moment so have a way to go yet.
I never realized how many white flowering plants I have. I have snow in summer , fruit blossoms, walking orchid and jasmine in this arrangement.
I knew this little cane table would be good for something.
???? May I could do a post on them?
The sun is so bright, the family room stays warm all evening now. The mulberry tree out side got a hair cut yesterday as it was casting to much shade on the new solar panels.

Today is the beginning of our Spring break, the children get 2 weeks.. We are going to do the tourist thing here in our home town of Toowoomba as it is the Carnival Of Flowers week.
Every thing kicks of tomorrow, so if you are in town you might see me. I will be the one under the big hat dragging three bored children behind me looking at gardens and madly taking photos...
Blessings to all
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Recycling and veges.....
How has your week been? Busy I am sure. I thought it was time to update how the vege patch is going. I lost a lot of stuff to frost through the winter, but the carrots are doing so well. We are harvesting them daily for tea. Also we have so many potatoes they were a real success. The climbing beans got frosted but a couple survived as you can see on the trellis above. I have planted more seeds though.
At the entrance I have sweet peas growing, they are almost finished, in fact all my spring flowering bulbs and flowers are all but been and gone. I have planted a climbing as well on the week end, so it will soon cover this fence.
Above is the artichokes, lettuce, bok choy and asparagus growing well in the far bed. Closer are the red onions and new planting of potatoes comming through.
Now for some recycling
Try not to laugh to hard......
Boy was I uncontrllable laughing may have been a bit mean I admit. Thankfully my Mother in-law was here and she was full of praise...Now this is recylcing at it's ultimite I think...Sink, from bins accross road.
Chairs( hahaha)also from bin accross road
pipe, taps and fittings all from shed.
One sink in vege garden for washing veges....
It gets better....
This is going to be my potting bench, the bin has the potting mix in it, and the gate on top is used so that the potting mix can fall through to the bin and none is wasted. Now don't get me wrong great ideas....maybe you had to be there, but I really thought it was the funnist thing I had seen in a long time...Today I will get in and add my touch to it....
So what do you do with your old chairs???????????
Have a great day
and let me know what you think,
Truly what you think!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Out and About......
The table set for a spring time lunch, thought I would ditch the table cloth and go for place mats for a bit of a change.
Below is a big old tree that is right next to The Old Dairy. A lot of the wood is dead and it is dangerous.
So down she came..A friend from up the creek came down to do this. Ken has been pruning and chopping down trees here for a long time, and last time he was here he mentioned that this tree would need a good prune.
This is only half of the tree, the rest is OK to stay.
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