Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Recycling and veges.....

Hello all....
How has your week been? Busy I am sure. I thought it was time to update how the vege patch is going. I lost a lot of stuff to frost through the winter, but the carrots are doing so well. We are harvesting them daily for tea. Also we have so many potatoes they were a real success. The climbing beans got frosted but a couple survived as you can see on the trellis above. I have planted more seeds though.
At the entrance I have sweet peas growing, they are almost finished, in fact all my spring flowering bulbs and flowers are all but been and gone. I have planted a climbing as well on the week end, so it will soon cover this fence.
Above is the artichokes, lettuce, bok choy and asparagus growing well in the far bed. Closer are the red onions and new planting of potatoes comming through.
Now for some recycling
Try not to laugh to hard......
Yesterday when I got home from work I was told there was a surprise in the vege garden for me.
Boy was I surprised....my uncontrllable laughing may have been a bit mean I admit. Thankfully my Mother in-law was here and she was full of praise...Now this is recylcing at it's ultimite I think...Sink, from bins accross road.
Chairs( hahaha)also from bin accross road
pipe, taps and fittings all from shed.
One sink in vege garden for washing veges....
It gets better....
Look more chairs from bin across road...
This is going to be my potting bench, the bin has the potting mix in it, and the gate on top is used so that the potting mix can fall through to the bin and none is wasted. Now don't get me wrong great ideas....maybe you had to be there, but I really thought it was the funnist thing I had seen in a long time...Today I will get in and add my touch to it....
The wall of bottles is comming along as one and all drop there bottles of to me...
So what do you do with your old chairs???????????
Have a great day
and let me know what you think,
Truly what you think!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ingenuity! Shabby chic for the garden! And yes, reclycling at it's very best!

  2. Very creative and very handy! The outdoor sink is a gem!


  3. Mandy, what great ideas for your garden. Love them and so sensible. No more dirt taken inside and no more wasted potting mix.

  4. Get the spray cans out. I love red usually have red taps, steps etc looks great against the green grass.

  5. Thanks girls,
    your right Frances a little bit of paint will brighten it all up...

  6. I love to see things being recycled and repurposed.
    Way to go!
