Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Busy Week.

Mid week all ready......I am sure I have not got much done at all so far.

This week is town week, you know I can go weeks with out having to go to town and this week I am in town Mon, Tues, Wed and doing markets Sat and Sun....Thursday I am having a candle making class.....That leaves Friday which is craft day.......When I want to see my clean house I will just pop on here and look at the above photo.....

At the moment I am doing a bit of weaving and making wall hangings.

I am really enjoying the slow rhythm of weaving.... Adding in differant textils and texture is fun as well.

I am now going tp start on a bigger one and see how that goes.....

It is a square one and I am hoping I can make cushion covers with this size...

Enjoying your week all, I need to get moving to make it to town on time...



  1. My, you certainly are adventurous with your weaving. Is your Mum back yet to start your spinning lessons? That would be a special time together, passing on skills.

  2. Mandy, that brings back memories of when I used to live with some girls who had come out of the Hippy scene and one of them was a spinner and weaver. I did have a go at it back in the day.
