Exciting times here as we are harvesting potatoes and onions all ready.
Back in July we prepared the ground to plant onions..Lots of onions.
Well with all the rain this area has gone crazy wild.
There is also corn and potatoes planted in here.
I have only harvested 2 rows of brown onions and got a good basket full.
Still white and red onions to go, they are a little bit slower which is good as
they won't be all harvested at the same time.
I can not believe how tall the corn is getting, see how much taller is is than me...

Royal Blue..Sapphire...Pink Eye..Salad Rose...Snow gem...
We have lots of old heritage corn growing. Purple, glass, golden and sweet corn as well..
I am trying to find the best for storage...It won't be ready for a while yet though.

OK I admit I may have gone over board on the potatoes
We planted them in August and some are ready for harvest....Here is a list of what we planted.
This meter I dug up of the Royal Blue and Pink Eye gave me 1/2 a basket full..
We have potatoes planted here and out in the orchard and across the road on our spare block...
They are very muddy as I dug these just before it rained yesterday. This is the basket so you can see that out of a small area we got heaps. Today I will brush the dirt of and store them in the cellar to stay cool and dark. Hopefully some will last long enough that I can plant out again next year.
The purple are called Royal Blue and the white is Pink Eye. I scrubbed them up last night and we ate them an hour after they came from the garden...
I love that they kept their purple color even after cooking, how good are they going to look in a pototo
But wait there is more!!!!!!
The vege garden is looking beautiful with all the beans flowering.
I have 6 varieties of beans growing this year, some for drying as well as eating and freezing.
Here are 5 of the 6 beans as the rooster combs haven't got any on yet, they will be a been for soups along with the red one above which is a borlotti been.. Below is a bean salad I made with 4 kinds off beans, our tomatoes and goats milk cheese I made that day......
Sorry for the long post but there is so much food to harvest, along with all the eggs and milk we are getting I never even need to go near the shops..
As of next week I will be only working 2 days a week instead of 3 same hours just bigger days...I am happy about that as it gives me more time here in the garden..
This Saturday I am going to a cheese making course so I am hoping to learn other cheeses to make with all the goats milk I am getting.. Look forward to sharing about that....
Enjoy the rest of the week
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