Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm Away For A Few Days...........
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Stacking And Whacking
Monday, October 27, 2008
Don't Do This!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Lazy Kinda Day
Spending time with the children,
playing with the new puppies,
these are things that will quickly be gone.
I can guarantee that next week the jobs will still be there.
But this day will be gone not to get back again.
Today we choose to live in the moment.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Williams Vege Patch
When William turned 5 earlier in the year I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His reply was "My own vege patch" We converted his sand pit into a vege patch and have been getting fresh beetroot, shallots, carrots and tomatoes ever since.......Well today was the last of it carrots and beetroot.........
Today we will dig over Wills' garden and get it ready for the next planting. Here he is with his cousin pulling up the last of it all.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jacaranda Junction
I have a high house at the front and this photo is taken on the veranda looking up into it.....
The front yard is covered in blossoms and it looks so pretty. I must walk out to veranda 5 times a day just to look at there beauty. They just don't flower long enough......
I don't have a name for my house, and I have often thought of calling our place Jacaranda Junction. It makes sense you see we have a jacaranda and we live on a junction. May-be one day I'll do something about it.
I had a lovely after-noon of sewing yesterday, Chloe needed some summer p.j pants so I made them for her and got two more Christmas presents made. I can't show them as they are for my daughter in-law and she sometimes reads my blog to catch up on things.......Hello Karen.........
The material I made the p.js out of is left over from when the two oldest girls were 2 & 3 years old.I had made them little play suits in this print. It is lovely and soft and cool so Chloe will love them..They are to big though, so I'll have to take them in.........
Yesterday when catching up on a few blogs Our Red House had a recipe for chocolate brownies. Well this recipe had no chocolate in it which mine does.Cheak out Kates blog it is in the side bar. I made it up into muffins for the children's afternoon tea. Well..they loved them said they were the nicest brownies I had ever made.
Thanks Kate you did get the credit..........
Since I have been blogging I am amazed every-day by the wonderful people out there....I know that I feel like I am making friendships, I know others feel this way as well so I'm not crazy!!!!!
Yesterday I left a comment on a blog about my disasters at knitting, and when I checked my comments this morning wonderful daisymum said she would knit me one.........I only know daisymum through blogging yet we are friends, thanks by the way I can't wait.......As I read more blogs I am finding that this is not an unusual thing, friendships are happening all across the globe. I am learning about other countries, even about bears from Suzann at Scrub Oak..So today I would like to honour those that have dropped by and said hello...It has been a real pleasure in meeting you and getting to know you...................
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Enter My Gate
Child hood cancer is some thing that touched our family last year as we lost our nephew to Leukaemia.
Thursday Camp Quality will be coming to the school to do a puppet show for the children, and they will give them the money that they raised today............
Enter my front gate.........
I only realized yesterday that I have eight gates in my house yard.......Now I do love to collect things but I didn't realize that gates was on the list.....
Pool gate
Back gate
When we did the Dairy up I new I didn't want a new gate. So hubby took me for a drive to the local tip (under protest I might add) to look for a gate. This gate was leaning up against a pile of rubbish and I saw it as soon as we drove in..........Poor hubby was horrified he had just made this wonderful back fence and I wanted to put this gate on it......This is my favorite gate and guess what hubby likes it to now..........
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pottering Around
I moved all my cutting to under this tree from under the veranda. This tree is near my potting shed so they should do really well as they are in dappled shade all day.
The children have been running around playing all day, and the geese have had enough. They turned there nose up in the air told us what they thought of the noise and went to find a much quieter place......
I got the last garden mulched today. This is my little garden up at The Old Dairy. This garden is made up of cuttings in from my garden. Except the roses they where Mothers Day presents.
This is a close up of the rose flowering , I have a row of 4 roses along this fence.
I am off to plant some more agapanthus along the front fence. Then to pick some lettuce for tea.
I have had a lovely day having the children home and pottering around the house and garden. I feel a real renewal today, because I have taken the time to rest and play with the children.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Long Week-End
I have started my Christmas sewing as I have alot to do. My aim is to make at least 2 things a week. These are some little lingerie bags, I also made some pincushions. Thought that I should do some mending as well. I was truly inspired though when I saw what daisy mum7 accomplished in a day.
Friday night we had our community bar-b-que, so it was up to the hall to help set up at 4p.m M.I.L looked after children as Cassie and Robbie had brought friends home from school for a sleep over.
Back up to the hall at 6:30p.m for the barby.......Met some new people that have moved into the valley. We are a small community here and have many community functions, it would be so easy just to stay home, but I think it is important to be a part of a community.
Saturday I decided to move my potting station. Here it is under the veranda, but it was always a mess.
I have moved it up to the shed that is attached to the old dairy.
I have a potting shed...............
I can be as messy as I like up here. I'm quite excited! a shed of my own. It used to be full of so much junk and over the past few months my handy man and myself have been cleaning it out.
I also got most of the mowing done on Saturday as well..5 hours of it. That is with the push mower though. I save all the grass clippings for compost and mulch. I still have the front yard to do yet.....
This morning was a beautiful morning........Except I couldn't move mu arms or walk......Think I over done the mowing thing....I had muscles I forgot were there...oooowwwwwwwww!!!!!
Hubby took the boys off at 6.30 a.m to the neighbours to watch the sheep got shorn.
I decided to go to the markets before church as it dosn't start till 10 a.m......
I picked up this lovely milk glass candle holder, I have a thing about candle holders......
I also got some more Fruit Trees.
Lime- Tahitian.....
Mandarin-Honey Murcott.
That is 8 different types of fruit we have now, I'm pleased that I have got them all in to wait for the fruit.........
I also got my seeds. Tomorrow I will plant some of these out in my new potting shed....
I have had a lovely productive few days.
Tomorrow is a student free day here in Queensland, so we have a long week-end. Hubby still has to go to work though.....
Well I'm off to finish the mowing. Only 2 hours worth left to do, I love mowing I don't see it as a chore...........
I hope you are all enjoying your week-end........
Thursday, October 16, 2008
All Mulched Up
Today is very dark and overcast with the promise of rain........Late yesterday afternoon a storm went past us and we got nothing out of it, but in the next valley they got 1 inch of rain, but also some bad hail.......I am pleased that we missed out on it.
Below is the material I have picked out for my new quilt. I mentioned on Tuesday that we are learning to make a "stack and whack" quilt...
These are supposed to be quick and easy, which sounds great coming up to Christmas. The only quilting I have done before is ones that I have made up as I went along. Not the best way to try.....
My Mum is a magnificent quilter, so I have never really put much effort into learning as Mum was always making them for me and the children.
I think the time has come to learn myself now and I,m really looking forward to next Tuesday when we will learn to make them, I am hoping though that I won't be stacking and hacking instead of whacking and stacking.
Have starting picking lettuce all ready. Yesterday I planted out another dozen.....
Also planted out some herbs,
Basil, Parsley,
Lemon Balm, Thyme and some cat mint for the cats.
Robbie's potatoes are coming along nicely as well' they are at the front of the picture opposite.
He wants to have a go at growing them in straw? Has any-one ever done it this way before? I have been reading a bit about it and it seems straight forward enough........
Put the last of the mulch on the gardens finely, boy o boy was that a big job.
The front garden was the last to do, and with the rain on the week-end every-thing was still damp so that was good.
Got the fruit trees planted this morning. This area of the garden is on a slope and very hot and dry. Don't let the green fool you, that's only because we had had a few showers. The ground was rock hard. On Sunday I'll go to the markets again and get another four or five as I think there's enough room here for eight or nine trees.
Being Thursday I am looking after my niece and nephew today, it was a nice surprise for them to find Grandma is still here. We are having a lovely day together, baby is sleeping soundly at the moment and miss five is watching High 5, M.I.L is sleeping. All is nice and quiet...........
I hope your day is going to plan for you, enjoy it..