Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Long Week-End

Friday was one of those lovely days spent in the sewing room.....Few and far between these days.
I have started my Christmas sewing as I have alot to do. My aim is to make at least 2 things a week. These are some little lingerie bags, I also made some pincushions. Thought that I should do some mending as well. I was truly inspired though when I saw what daisy mum7 accomplished in a day.
Friday night we had our community bar-b-que, so it was up to the hall to help set up at 4p.m M.I.L looked after children as Cassie and Robbie had brought friends home from school for a sleep over.
Back up to the hall at 6:30p.m for the barby.......Met some new people that have moved into the valley. We are a small community here and have many community functions, it would be so easy just to stay home, but I think it is important to be a part of a community.

All the roses are out in bloom this is my favorite one Radio Times, big beautiful blooms and a heavenly scent.

One of the reasons I have never had a large vege patch is because hubby is from a farming family.

My Father in-law was always growing veges and fruit so I never had to worry about growing my own. Sadly though he passed away last year....

We still have a few farmers left in the family though. This lovely big bag of spuds was a gift from my farmer nephew, only dug this last week...........Yummmmmm. Potato salad tonight I think.

Saturday I decided to move my potting station. Here it is under the veranda, but it was always a mess.

I have moved it up to the shed that is attached to the old dairy.

I have a potting shed...............
I can be as messy as I like up here. I'm quite excited! a shed of my own. It used to be full of so much junk and over the past few months my handy man and myself have been cleaning it out.

I also got most of the mowing done on Saturday as well..5 hours of it. That is with the push mower though. I save all the grass clippings for compost and mulch. I still have the front yard to do yet.....

This morning was a beautiful morning........Except I couldn't move mu arms or walk......Think I over done the mowing thing....I had muscles I forgot were there...oooowwwwwwwww!!!!!
Hubby took the boys off at 6.30 a.m to the neighbours to watch the sheep got shorn.
I decided to go to the markets before church as it dosn't start till 10 a.m......
I picked up this lovely milk glass candle holder, I have a thing about candle holders......

I also got some more Fruit Trees.
Lime- Tahitian.....
Mandarin-Honey Murcott.

That is 8 different types of fruit we have now, I'm pleased that I have got them all in to wait for the fruit.........

I also got my seeds. Tomorrow I will plant some of these out in my new potting shed....
I have had a lovely productive few days.

Tomorrow is a student free day here in Queensland, so we have a long week-end. Hubby still has to go to work though.....

Well I'm off to finish the mowing. Only 2 hours worth left to do, I love mowing I don't see it as a chore...........

I hope you are all enjoying your week-end........



  1. Lovely and sweet blog...
    Nice pics


  2. a long weekend to spend in your fabulous potting shed with new trees and seeds my idea of a great couple of days. I love the lingerie bags so dainty.

  3. I am just loving all the fruit trees you are putting in! It's difficult to grow them at our altitude - the blossoms come early and then we'll have a freeze. I haven't figured out what to do about that yet (perhaps there are some varieties that set their blossoms later in the season?)

    You are a busy woman, Mandy, and its obvious that your life is full of joy!

  4. Hey I love the idea of doing two things a week but I am now officially so far behind that I will need another three weeks before Christmas okay????????????LOL

    No I am not quite that far behind but I feel like this week will be write off pupil free day today and a job interview, Pink Ribbon breakfast tomorrow, Craft show wed which leave thurs and frid to get stuff done and get ready for being at work Sat.

