Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Find In The Garden

After a busy day of housework yesterday I got out into the garden for a couple of hours, which most of was spent watering. We haven't had alot of rain this winter so everything is drying out.
The bottle brushes are in full bloom at the moment. This was the first thing I ever planted when we moved into our house about 20 years ago.. Some of the roses are starting to flower and I haven't finished pruning them all because of the frost. That will be a job for this afternoon. I mentioned yesterday about my trip. On Monday 1st Sept my friend and I are off to Cairns. Suzan, Cairns is up the top of Australia in Queensland it is about 1200 klms from Toowoomba, I tried to include a map to show you but couldn't work that one out. We are flying from Brisbane that morning and will be home Thursday 4 th. Not long but who cares. My Mum and Dad are coming down to stay with hubby and the children so they will be in good hands.
We plan to go snorkeling on the reef one day and may-be bungee jumping HA HA HA or not.Can you tell I'm excited!!!!!!! Got to get a underwater camera so I can take some pics to show you. Unless of course I have to wear a wetsuit then you get to see nothing...........Enough about the holiday(for now)
When my little helper was helping m water yesterday we found a cherry tomato bush growing among the nasturtiums. It is what we call a self set bush as we didn't plant it came up on it's own.

I have no idea what kink it is as it is a orange fruit one and I don't remember planting anything like that before.William claimed them as his tomato and we picked a nice bowl full, many didn't make it to the bowl of course!!!!
If you were a 5 year old boy that hates meat and every-one was having rice and stir fry beef for tea, what would you eat?

Rice and cherry tomatoes of course!!!!
I am of to my craft day to day I will just be taking some hand sewing with me, it is in Toowoomba today and all the ladies are coming up with me. I hope you all have a lovely day.


  1. Your Trip sounds Great Mandy it's always nice to get away with Girlfriends....

  2. I am fascinated with your plate design. I am pretty sure mine have the same edge. I love that edge since I loved my Nana's set. Ours were both plain and a Johnson Australia.
