At least my clivas escaped they are all looking lovely and give me some hope that spring is around the corner.
Can you see why there was no craft done, I don't really mind though as we all had a lovely morning catching up and before we new it it was 1:30 p.m. Then there was cleaning up to do and I'm only just getting to my blog.
I love making cupcakes they are so much fun, while on holidays I found some small cupcake moulds now they are cute. See the baby ones at the front. I got a little carried away with the pink icing , but I love to decorate my cakes, yet sill make them easy, and with all the different sprinkles you can buy they are easy to do and still fun.
Thank you to Annie,Maree and Suzan for your encouraging words yesterday. It is still an on going drama, but it is not finished.
Thanks for dropping by
Keep us up on the poor goat saga. I'm not familiar with the flower "clivas". They ARE beautiful! Hope you get another craft day soon.