Sunday after-noon we went out to celebrate the safe arrivale of Neila Lee our neighbors new baby, here she is wearing the little botties I made her.
The rest of the day was spent sewing and unpicking, sewing and unpicking, at least I had a nice sunny spot to do all that unpicking in. I finnly got my vest made and I love it. It is the first thing I have made my-self in over 10 years( explains the unpicking) Only it is WAY to big so I am going to have to take it in at the seams, won't be to hard.
But I have made a start and that is often the hardest thing for me.
I am having a cupcake phase at the moment. I tend to have a few, phases that is not cupcakes! Don't you just love these pin cushions. I got the pattern from an on-line shop at www.angles They have some really great things.I think every-one will be getting pin cushions for Christmas this year....
While I was busy doing all this crafting and drinking cups of coffee the men folk were out working. Well some one has to I suppose(ha,ha)
We have 10 new little calves and 8 of them are males so the boys had to put rings on them.We always have more bulls then heifer's I wonder if this means any-thing in the cow world. My husband loves his cows and is very proud of them we have 38 with all the new babies so we will be sending some of to the sales soon.
I know there are alot of photos this post but I couldn't decide which ones to use sooooooooo I used all of them.
I liked the sitting outside and the two cow photos.