I thought that I would show you a photo of No 1 son's wedding. I have a good reason! This is the only before shot I have of the dairy before it became my sewing room. If you look closely you can see that nothing is done in side. O.K. a really weak excuse!!!! but isn't he the best looking young man.I think so and Mrs No 1 son's bride is so beautiful, her dress was just stunning in the white with black flowers down it.

Alright enough about weddings I mean before shots .
I have really enjoyed my first week of Blogging and reading many other blogs, I do have to be care full though as time can get away when I'm on the computer.
Yesterday was an early start I had to have miss c up to the eisteddfod by 8.30 a.m way to early to go to town and look half decent. It was the first time that miss c. played a solo piece she didn't get a place, but who cares she was confident and enjoyed her self. To me that's what is important.
Yesterday was our lovely neighbors 77 th birthday so we all took tea up and surprised her.Our other neighbor gave her an apron and so did I, we had a good laugh about that. The only reason she got one from me was because it was the only thing left in the pressie cupboard and my machine is in getting a service, so I wasn't able to make her any-thing. We had a good night, I have been very social this week normally I don't even go out at night, things tend to come in runs don't they.

This is a picture of my two youngest boys at there big brothers wedding. It looks like there is holes in No 2 sons hair it must be the
computer photo because the others don't look like that. There is 14 years between No 1 and No 2 sons and 18 years between No 1 and No 3. A big age
different for the boys. In between No 1 & No 2 there are four girls. I'll tell you more about them another day.

I hope every-one has a
rest full wek-end and remember to spend some time with those you love, and if they they live away give them a ring to let them know you are thinking of them.
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