I thought that i would give A day In My Life ago.
My sick little boy trying not to smile as he knows I have the camera
6 a.m
Get a cup of coffee, Up nice and early this morning, boy is it COLD here, the house is fairly warm.
I had better get another log on the fire and get the children out of bed..Getting Hong out is the hard part. Son No 2 has woken up sick and with a temp he'll be staying home today as there has been a bit of this getting around. Time to get the table set and breaky made.Lunches are made.
Get Hong moving and the last of his things packed as he goes back to Korea today. Time to get the kitchen clean. Great just realized that the littlest is still in bed. Get him up and try to dress him in front of the fire this is not an easy job as he wants to stay home when he realizes his brother is.
8 a.m
Every-one into the car!!!!!!!!!
Today I have to take the children to school. I have left Grandma looking after a sick boy. Drop the children of to school there are tears all around as they all say there good byes to Hong.
I take Hong over to the other side of town only to find out that the bus is now leaving from the school @#%&*& Go all the way across town to the school again. Bye Bye Hong........
9 a.m
I have to drop the car of to get new tires on them this is really one of my pet hates, having to hang around and wait for the car.
I decide to do some birthday shopping for Miss C who is 19 this Saturday.
Hubby rings and they can't get the tires for the mags we have any where in Toowoomba and have to send away for them. Poor Hubby has to go home to get the original tires... Then again he had to have them, you boys and toys, He thinks that if he has to drive around in a Tarago it's going to look good.....
Meanwhile I am still walking the streets.
Thought that I would go to Lin craft and try to find the balls of Lions cotton..I couldn't find any but I have found the bamboo and cotton mix that some-one mentioned so I'll give that ago.
11.45 a.m.
I decide to go back and wait for the car at bridge stone and when I get there, they have just finished. Thank you Lord.
12:15 p.m
Stop and get some groceries, don't want to come back up to town any time soon. Did I mention how cold it is up here to day and the wind was blowing a gale.
1;15 p.m
Every one is O.k No 2 son is feeling a little better and watching T.v and my sister in law is here. She came to visit the M.I.L I'm glad that she had company while I was gone...I need a cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 p.m
I bring in a load of wood as the fire has been going flat out the few days, it is so lovely and warm in side.
My M.I.L has another go at teaching me to knit. The new yarn I got is better than what I was using and I think I have finely got the hang of it.
3 p.m.
Just making a simple casserole for tea to night. All chopped up and on the wood stove, so I can sit down to do some more knitting.
Pick children up from the bus stop it's only 4 minutes up the road. Home and after noon tea. There is left over Pavlova from Hongs going away tea last night. I got some good mummy points for that.
4.30 p.m.
My wonderful M.I.L. is doing the ironing for me and has brought in all the washing and folded it. At the moment she is my most favorite person. ( i know I am blessed to have a great M.I.L)
Bath time for all the little treasures, clean up bath room.
Tea time.....Hubby is running late he has gone to see one of his brothers on the way home from work....Children get in and do the washing and drying up while Hubby (who is finely) home and I catch up on the day.
I decide to give this post a go as I know how much I enjoy reading others .
I am going to sit down and do some more Knitting tonight and have a glass of wine (or 2 )
Thanks for joining me in my day.......
You ARE busy, Mandy! All that picking up and dropping off of kids is one of the activities I don't miss now that they are grown:) (And thankyou for bringing it to mind - I needed a reminder!) Rhonda Jean would be proud of you with your knitting endeavors. You must post a picture of the project.